True Story: Murder, Mystery and Mayhem
There are lots of wild stories out there... Join us, each week, as we explore a story about murder, mystery or just plain craziness. Some stories might seem unbelievable but they are all very true.
True Story: Murder, Mystery and Mayhem
Mystery: The Zone of Silence
Ferdose and Ayah
Episode 21
In this episode of True Story, we explore the zone of silence. Several strange and seemingly unexplainable events occur in this patch of desert. Aliens seem to be to blame, but could the real explanation be more earthly in nature?
Our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truestory3m/
Our email: truestory3m@gmail.com
If you're into anime, check out Nazek's (the designer of the podcast cover) etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AzouzouDesigns?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=1155929917